пятница, 11 апреля 2014 г.

Quick, Effective, Post Run Stretch Routine. Free 6 minute flexibility exercise video.

Quick, Effective, Post Run Stretch Routine. Free 6 minute flexibility exercise video.

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Join trainer, Caroline Jordan, for this free, quick, and effective 6 minute stretching video to help runners (or anyone! ) with tight stiff muscles. This Stretching Sequence will help improve flexibility, strength, and performance. Its perfect after a workout or to relax after a long day. Grab a mat, have a seat, and get your legs and hips feeling AMAZING!

Runners seem to avoid stretching much like people avoid flossing their teeth. There are good reasons to stretch, keeping several injuries key running injuries away.

After a run, runners should go through a routine that stretches the key running muscle groups, including the lower-legs, feet, ankles, upper legs and hips. Stretching these key areas will help avoid two of the most common running injuries called shin splints and IT Band Syndrome, which are often caused by inflexible muscles in the calf and hips respectively.

In going through a stretching routine, runners should make sure to do the following:

Hold stretches tightly, applying pressure to the muscle, but never causing pain. If the stretch is causing pain, too much pressure is being applied.

Stretch with consistent pressure, but don't bounce. Bouncing can cause muscles to tear under the pressure.

Hold a stretch for at least 15-20 seconds and then increase the stretch and hold for another 10-20 seconds. The first few seconds of the stretch will start to elongate the muscle and allow the muscle to be stretched a bit further in the last 10-20 seconds.

Stretch under their own pressure, rather than having another runner apply pressure by pushing on the leg being stretched. While it is common to see runners helping one another stretch, it can be dangerous and potentially damaging.

Stretch lightly after very long runs. The muscles can be very lose and pliable after a run of 15 or more miles and it is easy to over-stretch or rip a muscle when they are in this state.

Taking the time to stretch helps runners avoid injuries that are caused by inflexibility or stiffness in muscles. It may mean adding an additional ten or fifteen minutes to a run, but the dividends can be great over the long-term.

I challenge you to TRY this quick, online stretching video. Leave a comment below with your feedback and let me know if this routine helped improve the flexibility of your muscles. Did you try this video? SUBSCRIBE to the channel and SHARE the video with your friends to spread the positive healthy community online. Leave a comment below and tell me how you feel after.

As always, please check with a doctor before starting this or any exercise routine. Honor your body and listen to what you need!

Check out Caroline's website: http://www.carolinejordanfitness.com/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/#!/carolinefitness

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/carolinejord...

Original article and pictures take s.ytimg.com site

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