Torso Release
Stretches: The arm and torso.
How: Raise your left arm over your head, then bend your elbow so your left hand drops below your head. Place your right hand behind your left elbow and gently pull your left arm over and down. Repeat with opposite arm.
Get more by: Extending your arms out from your sides and doing arm circles in both directions for 20-30 seconds each.

Pain Relief: Aching Hamstrings
Stretches: The hamstrings.
How: Standing with your feet two to four feet apart, bend your knees as you lean forward and grab your ankles (or feet). Keeping one hand on each ankle, gently try to straighten your legs.
Get more by: Placing both hands on your left foot, then your right.

Pain Relief: Tight Triceps
Stretches: The triceps.
How: Kneel in front of a low, sturdy object (such as a chair), then lean forward and place elbows on top. Tucking your hands behind your head, grab each wrist to help gently bend each arm even further.
Get more by: Pushing the wrist further back or pressing your torso toward the floor.

Strained Lower Back Stretch
Stretches: The chest, lower back, and calves.
How: Stand with your left foot forward, feet about three feet apart. Press your fists into your back while pushing your hips forward and raising your chest to the ceiling. Repeat with opposite leg.
Get more by: Planting your back heel.

Pain Relief: Pain Between Shoulder Blades
Stretches: The pectoralis minor, which can strain back muscles.
How: Get on all fours alongside a knee-high object. Bend your arm at 90 degrees, and place it on top. Exhale as you gently twist, pressing the shoulder of that arm down toward your opposite hand. Repeat with other arm.
Original article and pictures take www.mensjournal.com site
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