вторник, 30 января 2007 г.

10 Dynamic Stretches You Can Do Before Your Workout

10 Dynamic Stretches You Can Do Before Your Workout

Hi There! I’m Tracy from StayFitMom.com. It’s great to meet you and such a treat to be hanging out with all of you at Maybe I Will! Thanks so much for having me, Andie! Over at Stay Fit Mom we post new workouts every Wednesday that you can do right in your front yard while your kids play! We also share our favorite healthy recipes, talk mom life, and feature amazing women who are living healthy lifestyles amongst the chaos of motherhood! Head on over to StayFitMom.com for a quick workout you can get in today!

I love that in 2015 exercise is more accessible than ever before. Not only are there more options for gyms, but there are plenty of resources available to you right here on the internet! You can get a great workout from your home using little to no equipment! Today we are going to go over 10 dynamic stretches you can do before your workouts. These stretches are sure to get your muscles activated and your blood flowing! A good warm up, paired with dynamic stretches, can drastically reduce your risk for injury!

10 Dynamic stretches to do before your workout! Love these ideas from Stay Fit Mom!

10 Dynamic stretches to do before your workout! Love these ideas from Stay Fit Mom!

Let’s dive into these dynamic stretches! Unlike static stretches, that you do AFTER your workouts (where you hold a position for 30 seconds to two minutes), dynamic stretches you want to do BEFORE your workout and you won’t be holding each position long. Be sure to check out the video demonstration below for further instruction and to see each dynamic stretch in action.

  1. Butt Kickers: Similar to a jog, but you’re going to touch the heel of your foot to your butt! Be sure to alternate feet and complete butt kickers for at least 10 meters.
    10 Dynamic stretches to do before your workout! Love these ideas from Stay Fit Mom!
  2. High Knees: Also similar to a jog, but you want to raise your knee as high as you can. Alternate knees and complete high knees for at least 10 meters.
    10 Dynamic stretches to do before your workout! Love these ideas from Stay Fit Mom!
  3. Knee Hugs: Pull your knee to your chest as high as you can and hold for about 3 seconds. Switch knees and repeat for at least 10 meters.
    High Knees: Also similar to a jog, but you want to raise your knee as high as you can. Alternate knees and complete high knees for at least 10 meters.
  4. Toe Tucks: Stretch out your quad by bending your leg and pulling your toe to your butt. Hold for about 3 seconds, switch legs, and repeat for at least 10 meters.
    High Knees: Also similar to a jog, but you want to raise your knee as high as you can. Alternate knees and complete high knees for at least 10 meters.
  5. Side Lunge: Step your leg out to the side into a lunge position. Go down as far as your able while keeping the heel of your foot on the ground. Switch legs and repeat for at least 10 meters.
    High Knees: Also similar to a jog, but you want to raise your knee as high as you can. Alternate knees and complete high knees for at least 10 meters.
  6. Bear Crawl: With a slight bend in your legs and hands on the ground, crawl on all fours for at least 10 meters.
  7. High Knees: Also similar to a jog, but you want to raise your knee as high as you can. Alternate knees and complete high knees for at least 10 meters.
  8. Downward Dog: Yes, the yoga stretch, BUT you’ll only hold for 3-5 seconds. Try your best to keep your hips up and your heels on the ground. Switch back and forth between Down Dog and Cobra (see next).
    High Knees: Also similar to a jog, but you want to raise your knee as high as you can. Alternate knees and complete high knees for at least 10 meters.
  9. Cobra: Yes, the yoga stretch, BUT you’ll only hold for 3-5 seconds. Keeping your hands on the floor, arch your back, and look up, giving your abs a great stretch.
    High Knees: Also similar to a jog, but you want to raise your knee as high as you can. Alternate knees and complete high knees for at least 10 meters.
  10. Toe Touches: Raise your left leg high in the air, touch your left leg with your right hand. Alternate opposite hand with opposite foot. Repeat for at least 10 meters.
    High Knees: Also similar to a jog, but you want to raise your knee as high as you can. Alternate knees and complete high knees for at least 10 meters.
  11. Baby Squat Jumps: Sit in a low squat position. Your hip crease should be below your knee crease. Jump while remaining in the squat position (heel toe, heel toe). Repeat for at least 10 meters.
    10 Dynamic stretches to do before your workout! Love these ideas from Stay Fit Mom!

We hope these dynamic stretches get your blood flowing, activate the muscles you’ll be using in your workout, and help get your heart rate up!

Thanks so much for having me, Andie! This was a blast!

Follow us @stayfitmomblog and @stayfitmom_com on Instagram and on our Facebook page where we love getting personal. We’ve also started Periscoping and we just LOVE interacting with our followers. You can subscribe to Stay Fit Mom for healthy recipes, workouts, and most of all inspiration and encouragement!

If you liked this post you might also like our 7 Day At Home Full Body Workout Plan.

I've got to try this at home workout plan from StayFitMom.com!

Isn’t Tracy a total doll! I have loved getting to know her better I had just had to make sure you knew about her! She is always sharing the coolest stuff!! So make sure you go follow her!!

Original article and pictures take maybeiwill.com site

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